Portland native Steve Merrill has been an integral part of both the competition and camaraderie inherent in Maine Baseball for over four decades. A solid, resourceful performer at the youth, high school, college, and adult levels. Steve has passed his love of the game on to new generations of players, fans, and families through his coaching efforts at Gorham High School (977-2003). His Yarmouth teams were state champions in 1991, 1994, and 1995, and at one point put together a 44 winning streak.
As a young player Steve helped the Deering Babe Ruth Leaguers to a state title in 1968, winning the Frank Vail Memorial Trophy as tournament MVP in the process.
In 1970 Steve played for Telegram League Champion Deering High School, and that summer his Caldwell Post squad won the state American Legion championship.
Steve pitched for the University of Massachusetts baseball team for four years, and weeks after graduation he and his new bride Patty (Bowler) drove across the country to the University of Oregon, where Steve earned his Masters Degree. Shortly thereafter he returned to Maine to launch successful careers in teaching and coaching.
Once back in his home state Steve competed with distinction for over two decades for several different Twilight league and Maine Senior nines. Steve and Patty are the proud parents of Greg, Nick, and Jon. All three Merrill boys played baseball for Windham High School, where their father currently serves as athletic director.