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Writer's pictureMaine Baseball HOF

Dalton, Harry (1992)

Harry Dalton an Eastern Maine multi-sport legend of statewide, regional and national scope -- primarily as an official -- has earned honors in all strata of amateur baseball in a 46-year term of service.

The personable, efficient Brewer product built upon experience as an all round athlete to operate with keen understanding from all angles of the competition involved -- if an umpire ever won a popularity contest, Harry would have won it hands down.

Daltons long Little League service was marked by various roles he performed with dispatch.

he was league organizer and player agent for Bangor and Brewer circuits.

He was District 3 Administrator (Penobscot, Piscataquis, Aroostook and Washington counties).

He umpired all the way to the top -- local, state, New England, Eastern Regional and the World Series.

He was the first selected form New England and the only Pine Tree Stater to work the LL World Series.

He also organized girls softball, the Brewer Lassie League (ages 10-15), 1964-/0.

in semi-pro baseball circles, Dalton is a past president and director of the Eastern Maine League and coached the Brewer A.A. team.

Also active in American Legion baseball, he coached the Bangor Post 98 and the Brewer Post 12 teams.

Dalton has been equally active in the basketball, football and boxing Officiating ranks, likewise in 4.5 decades.

in fact, he’s still a licensed boxing judge and referee in Maine and is a member of the Maine Athletic Commission (supervises boxing among other sports).

Three times, he officiated three different sports in a month.

A member of the United Commercial Travelers (1951), Harry has also found time to lend his talents to numerous Civic and organization affairs.

These include: Brewer School Committee, 10 years; Brewer City Council, four years; Brewer Kiwanis Club, past president and 23 years as Secretary/Treasurer.

Among the many Dalton awards:

Bangor Daily News Hall of Fame, 1962: Ellsworth W. (Bill) Millett Award as Maine's Little League top umpire, 1964: naming of the Harry J. Dalton Little League Field in Brewer, 1961; Brewer Kiwanis Distinguished Service Award, 1964.

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