According to friends, Robert Blouin guarded his age much like Jack Benny. What the late Blouin couldn't hide were his considerable athletic achievements i and out of baseball.
ft would require a truck to transport all his accomplishments. Fo Instance, he was the founder of Maine Babe Ruth Baseball, coaching many of his Sanford teams to first or runner-up spots mo New England Babe Ruth tournaments. He also championed restore Sanford’s Goodall Field into one of New England’s finest diamonds, where many state, regional and even New England Babe Ruth tournaments were held. And he was instrumental m equipping the park with its first set of lights.
He also maintained an interest in American Legion baseball for Sanford’s Cole Post. The long list also included Blouin coaching the Sanford High baseball team and he also served as athletic director at his alma mater. Blouin had been a baseball and football standout at Sanford High, captaining the gridiron team my 1943.
The Springvale native wielded a strong bat in high school competition. He was also strong academically, earning a Bachelor of Science degree from UMO and becoming a stellar teacher at Sanford In 1984 the athletic complex at the northern boundary of Sanford’s Gowen Park was named the Robert J. Blouin Field. a deserved honor for his more than four decades of coaching, teaching and public service to Santora.
Additionally, the Santord created the Robert J. Blouin Scholarship Fund in 1983 in recognition of his service to youth and the community. one of Sanford’s top citizens and it will be a long time before anyone nears the contributions he bestowed upon the city he loved.